
One kilowatt Solar Array
MyTinyPod's 1killowatt solar panel array folds up and down at the press of a button allowing the panels to be protected during transport. It can also be closed during the evening for security or other reasons. The active solar panels create sufficient power for the all electric tiny home. The panels are directed towards the south in the northern hemisphere or north in the southern hemispere.
MyTinyPod's 1killowatt solar panel array is used to charge TESLA POWERWALLTM which is a state of the art rechargable battery system which in turn is used to power the MyTinyPod for days if needed. TESLA POWERWALLTM stores electricity generated by solar panels during the day and makes it available to your tiny home in the evening. The capacity of the solar array and TESLA POWERWALLTM are designed to exceed the daily electricity consumption of the home. This also makes it possible to remotely charge a TESLA automobile if needed.

With optimal positioning, the sun can provide a significant amount of free heat energy during colder months for the home. As shown by this video, the angle of the sun enables the maxium amount of light to enter the home during the coldest months and almost no direct light during the warm months.